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Monday, October 8, 2018

Purpose, Meaning and Morality Without God

Ralph Lewis
Psychology Today Blog
Originally posted September 9, 2018

Here is an excerpt:

Religion is not the source of purpose, meaning and morality. Rather, religion can be understood as having incorporated these natural motivational and social dispositions and having coevolved with human cultures over time. Unsurprisingly, religion has also incorporated our more selfish, aggressive, competitive, and xenophobic human proclivities.

Modern secular societies with the lowest levels of religious belief have achieved far more compassion and flourishing than religious ones.

Secular humanists understand that societal ethics and compassion are achieved solely through human action in a fully natural world. We can rely only on ourselves and our fellow human beings. All we have is each other, huddled together on this lifeboat of a little planet in this vast indifferent universe.

We will need to continue to work actively toward the collective goal of more caring societies in order to further strengthen the progress of our species.

Far from being nihilistic, the fully naturalist worldview of secular humanism empowers us and liberates us from our irrational fears, and from our feelings of abandonment by the god we were told would take care of us, and motivates us to live with a sense of interdependent humanistic purpose. This deepens our feelings of value, engagement, and relatedness. People can and do care, even if universe doesn’t.

The blog post is here.