Most relevant to this blog, the Center for the Study of the Ethics in Professions provides a library of Ethics Codes for Mental Health Care/Counselors, Health Care and Medicine, and Education and Academia.
Below, we have provided a list of Ethical Codes and Codes of Conduct. If you cannot find a code that you are looking for here, then the suggestion is to use the links noted above.
American Anthropological Association: Code of Ethics
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy: Code of Ethics
American Association of Christian Counselors: Code of Ethics
American Association of Pastoral Counselors: Code of Ethics
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists: Code of Ethics
American Board of College Student Educators International:
Statement of Ethical Principles and Standards
American College of Physicians: Ethics Manual - Sixth Edition
American Counseling Association: Code of Ethics
American Group Psychotherapy Association: Guidelines for Ethics
American Medical Association: Code of Medical Ethics
American Mental health Counselors Association: Code of Ethics
American Music Therapy: Code of Ethics
American Nursing Association: Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretative Statements
American Psychiatric Association:
The Principles of Medical Ethics with Annotations Especially Applicable to Psychiatry
American Psychoanalytic Society: Principles and Standards of Ethics for Psychoanalysts
American Psychological Association: Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Inc.: Ethical Principles
Association of State and Provincial Psychological Boards: ASPPB Code of Conduct
American School Counselor Association: Ethical Standards for School Counselors
Association for Institutional Research: Code of Ethics
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers: Professional Code of Ethics
Association of Professional Chaplains: Professional Ethics
Australian Psychological Society: Code of Ethics
Berkshire Hathaway: Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
British Psychological Society: Code of Ethics and Conduct
British Psychological Society: Code of Human Research Ethics
British Psychological Society: Conducting Research on the Internet
Canadian Psychological Association: Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists
Christian Association for Psychological Studies: Statement of Ethical Guidelines
Clinical Social Work Association: Code of Ethics
European Federation of Psychological Association: Meta Code
Feminist Therapy: Code of Ethics
Imagine Canada: Ethical Code Handbook
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: Code of Ethics
International Union of Applied Psychology: Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles
National Association of Educating Young Children: Code of Ethical Conduct
National Association of School Psychologists: Professional Conduct Manual and Principles for Professional Ethics Guidelines for the Provision of School Psychological Services
National Association of Social Workers: Code of Ethics
National Career Development Association: Code of Ethics
New Zealand Psychological Society: Code of Ethics
Pennsylvania Chapter 41: Licensing Law
Pennsylvania Practice Act (Law)
Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology: Code of Ethics
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, Fifthe Edition