Welcome to the Nexus of Ethics, Psychology, Morality, Philosophy and Health Care

Welcome to the nexus of ethics, psychology, morality, technology, health care, and philosophy

PowerPoint Vault (47 Presentations)

This page is dedicated to individuals willing to share their PowerPoint presentations with other ethics educators.  These presentations were either sent to me directly, or found in the public domain.

So far, there are 46 examples of what professionals have presented in the past several years.

To share your PowerPoint presentation, please email John Gavazzi, PsyD ABPP.

Administrative Safeguards to Limit the Risk of Professional Misconduct
by Gary Schoener

Applying Positive Ethics to Difficult Patients
by Sam Knapp and John Gavazzi (6/2010)

APA and ASPPB Model Act Provisions: Application Fraud and Good Moral Character
by Alex M. Siegel (4/2011)

Boundary Crossing
by Gary Schoener (4/2010)

Countertransference as an Ethics Issue in the Film "A Dangerous Method"
Bob Gordon (5/2012)

Distance is the Best Armor: Ethical Decision-making
by John Gavazzi (10/2009)

Duty to Protect through Warning: Emerich v. the Philadelphia Center for Human Development
by John Gavazzi (10/04)

Equipping Psychologists to Work Ethically with Religious and Spiritual Issues
by Alan Tjeltveit (10/2012)

Ethical Decision Making in Clinical Neuropsychology
by Shane Bush

Ethical Issues Involved with Diagnosing a Patient: Review of DSM-5, ICD-10 and the PDM
By Bob Gordon and Alan Tjeltveit (5/13)

Ethical Issues of Therapist Involvement in Social Networking
by C.R. Macchi and Jurdene Ingram (10/2011)

Ethics and the Difficult Person: The Psychopath in Film and in Your Office
by Robert Gordon and Jennifer Bottinelli (2008)

Ethics is More than a Code
by John Gavazzi (10/2008)

Evaluation of the Professional Who has Crossed Boundaries
by Gary Schoener

The Evidence for Effective and Ineffective Supervision
By Nicholas Ladanay

Ethics Update for School Counselors
By Gary Schoener

Ethics Update for School Social Workers
By Gary Schoener

Feminist Ethics: The Handmaid's Duty
by Steve Aspenson

Friends, Lovers, and Patients: Ethics of Multiple Roles
by Kevin Arnold (7/2010)

General Lab Safety Training
by Illinois State University

How the PDM Can Help Us Avoid Ethical Dilemmas
by Robert Gordon (2011)

Integrating Ethics and Values
John Gavazzi (11/2012)

Interactive Ethics: Principles, Acculturation, and Vignettes
by John Gavazzi (1/2012)

Legal and Ethical Issues with Problematic Trainees
by Stephen Behnke (5/2009)

Learning and Teaching Ethical Mistakes
by John Gavazzi, Rick Small, and Michele Miele (10/2010)

Legal/Ethical Telepsychology Opportunities: Consumer Access through Internet Websites, Podcasts, eBooks, Continuity Programs, and iPhone Apps
by Marlene Maheu (April 2011)

Lessons from Bad History and Good Sense
by Gary Schoener

Making Ethical Choices: Self-Reflection and Beyond
by Michele Miele, Allison Bashe, John Gavazzi, and Jay Mills (October 2012)

Making Ethical Decisions in Challenging Situations (School Psychologists)
by Kathy McNamara and Susan Jacob (Spring, 2008)

Mobility and Portability in Psychology
by Alex Siegel (June 2012)

Motivate to Advocate
by John Gavazzi (May 2011)

Personal Safety and Self-Care
by Molly Cowan, Simone Gorko, and Don McAleer (10/2008)

Professional Ethics: Facing Some New Challenges
by Gary Schoener (April 2012)

Psychology and Ethics in the VA: A Starting Point
by Clinical and Executive Committees and VISN 19 MIRECC

Psychology License & Professional Mobility: What Students Need to Know
By Alex M. Siegel (Septembeer 2010)

Quality Enhancing Strategies in Psychotherapy
by John Gavazzi (June 2011)

Rehabilitation of Offending Professionals
by Gary Schoener

Relational Ethics
by John Gavazzi (June 2011)

Research Ethics
by Sohail Bajammal

Risk Management for Mental Health Clinicians
by Ed Zuckerman

Self-Disclosure in Ethics Education
by Don McAleer, John Lemoncelli, and Molly Cowan (2010)

Stanford Prison Experiment Pictures
by Philip Zimbardo, Greg White, and Don Johann

Supervision, Mobility, and Telepsychology: The Next Frontier to Psychological Practice
by Alex M. Siegel (November 2011)

Treating Victims of Sexual Abuse or Sexual Exploitation by Religious
or Health Care Professionals
by Gary Schoener

Unlearning Ethics
by Sam Knapp and John Gavazzi

Unlearning Ethics: Ethical Memes and Moral Development
by John Gavazzi and Sam Knapp

Virtue Ethics
by David Kelsey