Clinical Audio Files
Freakonomics Podcast: The Suicide Paradox
Audio Files to Help Teach Ethic and Morality
John Gavazzi and Sam Knapp: A Conversation on Positive Ethics
Robert Wright: Are We Wired to be Compassionate
The Academic Minute: Guilt and Moral Character
NEJM Audio: From an Ethics of Rationing to an Ethics of Waste Avoidance
Nova Science Now: The Ethics of Erasing Memories
BBC World Service: Disgust and Morality
Closer to the Truth Podcast
What is Free Will?
Open Learn: The home of free learning from The Open University
Bioethics Bites: Brain Chemistry and Moral Decision-making (Molly Crockett)
Multiculturalism Bites: Disgust (Martha Nussbaum)
Philosophy Bites: Ethical Behavior or Ethics Professors (Eric Schwitzgebel)
Philosophy Bites: Group Agency (Philip Pettit)
Philosophy Bites: Hegel on Dialectic (Robert Stern)
Philosophy Bites: Implicit Bias (Jennifer Saul)
Philosophy Bites: Moral Accountability (Stephen Darwall)
Philosophy Bites: Moral Self and Psychology (Regina Rini)
Philosophy Bites: Moral Responsibility and Consciousness (Neil Levy)
Philosophy Bites: Moral Responsibility (Gideon Rosen)
Philosophy Bites: Nietzsche on Morality (Christopher Janaway)
Philosophy Bites: Plato's Cave (Simon Blackburn)
Philosophy Bites: Systems of Belief (Jonathan Glover)
Philosophy Bites: Virtue (Roger Crisp)
Social Science Bites: Bias (Daniel Kahneman)
Social Science Bites: Violence and Human Nature...and psychology as a science (Steven Pinker)
The Partially Examined Life: A Philosophy Podcast and Blog - Click here for all episodes
Episode 5: Aristotle’s Nichomachean (Virtue) Ethics
Episode 9: Utilitarian Ethics - What should we do?
Episode 10: Kantian Ethics - What should we do?
(You can skip the first 15 minutes as they address viewer mail)
Episode 11: Nietzsche’s Immoralism: What Is Ethics, Anyway?
Episode 32: Heidegger - What is Being? An introduction to Being and Time
Episode 48: Merleau-Ponty on Perception and Knowledge
Episode 85: Rawls on Social Justice, but listen to this 10 minute summary first
Vox Tablet Podcasts
What Spinoza Knew and Neuroscience Is Discovering: ‘Free Will’ Doesn’t Exist
Yale University - Human Emotions and Morality - iTunes University
#153 - June Gruber Introduction to Morality, Moral Emotions, and Moral Character
#155 - Jonathan Haidt on Morality and Emotion
#157 - David Pizarro on Morality and Disgust
#160 - June Gruber: Morality and Positive Emotions - Compassion, Gratitude, & Empathy
#162 - Jamil Zaki on Empathy