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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Business students: time for a compulsory ethics major?

Erica Cervini
Sydney Morning Herald
Originally posted on April 24, 2016

Here are two excerpts:

While it is commendable that universities are attempting to make students think about business ethics, one unit can only scratch the surface. And, then it depends on how much theory students are getting and to what extent this is applied to real-world cases.

Universities are failing students and society if they see ethics units as separate to students' accounting, banking and entrepreneurship subjects. Ethics has to be embedded in business and management subjects so that it is reinforced.


She explained there are scholars who are against teaching business ethics while there are others who argue that students' views can be swayed in ethics classes.

Dr Issa concludes that business school academics need to be "more aware of our impact on those individuals whom we graduate into the business world, and what impact they have on their communities and societies".

The article is here.