By Jacquelyn Smith
Originally published March 1, 2013
The Ethisphere Institute, an international think tank, has just announced its seventh annual list of the World’s Most Ethical Companies. The selection, open to every company in every industry around the globe, gives its winners an opportunity to trumpet their do-gooding ways. It is not a ranking, so they are all equally winners.
Why is there so much interest? Brigham says that recognition on the WME list has proven to be beneficial in various ways for the winners. “Many companies promote the recognition in their recruitment materials, as studies show that employees increasingly want to work for an organization that aligns with their own personal values. They are more loyal to such organizations,” he says. “In addition to providing a competitive advantage in workforce recruitment, many companies also display the designation in their marketing materials to attract customers, particularly in new markets, where the company may not be well-known.”
The World’s Most Ethical Companies are leaders of their respective industries when it comes to key ethical criteria such as tone from the top, employee well-being, CSR, compliance programs and other important areas, Brigham adds. “Every year we are impressed to learn some of the new ethics initiatives that these companies have developed and we are pleased to see the bar raised higher year after year. These companies also understand that a strong culture of ethics is also key to helping drive financial performance,” he concludes.
The entire article, including the winners, is here.