Welcome to the Nexus of Ethics, Psychology, Morality, Philosophy and Health Care

Welcome to the nexus of ethics, psychology, morality, technology, health care, and philosophy

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Essential Knowledge about Suicide Prevention

The New York Psychological Association
Published on Jan 31, 2013

"Essential Knowledge about Suicide Prevention-Evidence-Based Practices for Mental Health Professionals," sponsored by the NYS Psychological Association and the NYS OMH Suicide Prevention Initiative provides concepts and resources for clinicians as a starting point to build competency and preparedness for a suicide event, before it becomes a reality. Featuring Dr. Richard Juman, Dr. John Draper and Dr. Shane Owens, the video addresses issues including clinician anxiety about suicide, suicide and professional liability, and core competencies for suicide prevention in clinical practices, providing perspectives from both experts and clinicians.

NAASP: Clinical Care & Intervention Task Force Report