John Kass
Chicago Tribune
Originally posted on August 16, 2017
After the deadly violence of Charlottesville, Va., the amoral man in the White House failed his morality test. And in doing so, he gave the left a powerful weapon.
So President Trump was faced with a question of morality.
All he had to do was be unequivocal in his condemnation of the alt-right mob.
His brand as an alpha in a sea of political beta males promised he wouldn't be equivocal about anything.
But he failed, miserably, his mouth and tongue transformed into a dollop of lukewarm tapioca, talking in equivocal terms, about the violence on "many sides."
He then he offered another statement, ostensibly to clarify and condemn the mob. But that was followed, predictably, by even more comments, as he desperately tried to publicly litigate his earlier failures.
In doing so, he gave the alt-right all they could dream of.
He said some attending the rally were "fine people."
Fine people don't go to white supremacist rallies to spew hate. Fine people don't remotely associate with the KKK. Fine people at a protest see men in white hoods and leave.
Fine people don't get in a car and in a murderous rage, run others down, including Heather Heyer, who in her death has become a saint of the left.
The article is here.