By Pauline Chen
The New York Times - Well
Originally published October 3, 2013
Here is an excerpt:
A significant proportion of medical schools and teaching hospitals end up the beneficiaries of such promotional largesse. But in recent years, leaders in medical education and, more notably, a growing contingent of medical students, have called for changes in a professional culture that accepts interactions with industry as the “norm.” In 2007, the American Medical Students Association published the PharmFree Scorecard, a rating system that grades medical schools on the strength of their policies regulating interactions between industry and students and faculty. Around the same time, the Association of American Medical Colleges and several medical schools issued policy statements calling for a decrease in the influence of industry in education.
Observers hailed these initiatives as transformative, but in the years since it’s not been all that clear that a transformation has actually occurred.
The entire story is here.