Mad In America
Originally published December 3, 2012
This week, MIA highlighted a recently published study of the four most commonly prescribed neuroleptics. As noted in the post, the major outcome was that these drugs were not found to be effective or safe.
This important study, co-authored by Dilip Jeste the current president of the American Psychiatric Association, is worth reviewing in greater detail.
The study was modeled to capture clinical practice. Entry to the study was broad and not limited to a specific diagnostic category. It is characterized as a study of “older adults” and I admit to some chagrin that this meant anyone over 40. Diagnoses included schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and psychosis associated with mood disorder, PTSD or dementia. It was open to individuals who were either already taking an atypical neuroleptic or had a psychiatrist who was recommending this.
What was most striking to me is this line from the study: there was
“no significant change in psychopathology with any of the study atypical antipsychotics“
They did not even report the numbers in their report.
The entire information is here.
Thanks to Tom Fink for this information.