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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Former City Official’s Blog Chronicled His Fall From Grace and Plans for Suicide
The New York Times
Originally published October 7, 2012
After years of using his blog to settle scores with journalists, former fellow city officials and even his own father, Russell A. Harding began his final post with an unsettling mix of humility and humor.
“While you read this try and hear the Doors playing in the background for the right feel,” he wrote. “Just kidding, trying to lighten the mood.”
“Well, this is my last post,” he added. “I am hoping and praying that by the time you read this I have not botched this suicide attempt.”
By the time the 3,000-word post, “The End,” was posted on Sept. 30, Mr. Harding, 48, had taken his own life.
His body was found by the police at his apartment in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., on Saturday, Sept. 29, apparently two days after he had committed suicide. A friend of Mr. Harding’s called the police there, and said he had received a letter that made him “concerned about his friend’s welfare,” Dobbs Ferry Police Sgt. Manuel Guevara said.
The entire story is here.