Christine Lehmann
Originally poste 1 FEB 23
More than half of physicians reported feeling burned out this year and nearly 1 in 4 doctors reported feeling depressed — the highest percentages in 5 years, according to the 'I Cry but No One Cares': Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2023.
"Burnout leaves you feeling like someone you're not," said Amaryllis Sánchez, MD, a board-certified family physician and certified physician coach.
"When someone is burned out, they experience extreme exhaustion in the workplace, depersonalization, and a sense that their best is no longer good enough. Over time, this may spill into the rest of their lives, affecting their relationships as well as their general health and well-being," said Sánchez.
When feelings of burnout continue without effective interventions, they can lead to depression, anxiety, and more, she said.
Burnout can persist for months to even years — nearly two thirds of doctors surveyed said their burnout lasted for at least 13 months, and another 30% said it lasted for more than 2 years.
The majority of doctors attributed their burnout to too many bureaucratic tasks, although more than one third said it was because their co-workers treated them with a lack of respect.
"This disrespect can take many forms from demeaning comments toward physicians in training to the undermining of a physicians' decade-long education and training to instances of rudeness or incivility in the exam room. Unfortunately, medical professionals can be the source of bad behavior and disrespect. They may be burned out too, and doing their best to work in a broken healthcare system during an extremely difficult time," said Sánchez.