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Monday, July 29, 2013

Connecticut Mental Health Lawsuit Takes Insurers To Task

High Co-pays and issue in High Profile Case

Connecticut Law Tribune
Originally published July 12, 2013

A Connecticut law firm has taken the lead in a high-profile federal lawsuit that accuses a group of insurance companies of overcharging for mental health services, prompting thousands of vulnerable patients to avoid treatment.

In the American Psychiatric Association v. Anthem Health Plans lawsuit, the firm of Murtha Cullina was hired as chief legal counsel for the plaintiffs. Attorney Marie Pepe VanDerLaan of the firm's Hartford office, the lead lawyer in the case, filed the complaint on the APA's behalf in U.S. District Court in New Haven.

At the heart of the claim is that the insurance company manipulated billing statements in order to charge higher co-pays for patients being treated for mental disorders than those required for patients with physical ailments. The APA is a lead plaintiff in the case, joined by psychologist Susan Savulak of Newington and several of her patients.

The entire article is here.