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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Most Professors Say They've Considered Quitting Over Work-Life Conflicts

by Audrey Williams June
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Originally published December 10, 2012

Work-life conflicts have caused roughly three out of every four assistant professors to think about leaving their institution, according to the results of a new survey.

For some assistant professors, leaving their institution isn't enough to solve their work-life problems.

Almost 45 percent of those surveyed said they could see themselves leaving academe altogether.

Meanwhile, 65 percent of full professors surveyed said that they had considered leaving their university in the last year.


The survey found that nearly 80 percent of faculty members would consider leaving their institution in search of a more-supportive work environment.

About 60 percent would consider leaving where they now work to spend more time with their families.

About 35 percent of respondents would think about leaving to deal with elder care, while about one-fourth would consider leaving their institution because of problems related to child care.

The entire story is here.

Thanks to Ken Pope for this information.