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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Prison psychologist loses license, job

Former staffer who faked rape has license suspended by the Board of Psychology
By Laura Newell, Telegraph Staff Writer
Laurie Ann Martinez

A psychologist who allegedly faked her own rape earlier this year has lost her job with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Laurie Ann Martinez, a licensed psychologist for the state prison system who worked at New Folsom Prison, was terminated from her post. Her last day was Dec. 22, three days after her court appearance.

Her license has also been suspended by the state Board of Psychology.

The board is seeking to permanently revoke her license.

“The criminal allegations against Ms. Martinez are serious enough to warrant this action,” said Board Executive Officer Robert Kahane. “Our mission is to protect consumers, and we think allowing Martinez to continue to practice poses a threat to consumer health and safety.”

The rest of the story is here.

Other posts related to this story can be found here and here.