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Monday, December 3, 2012

When Is It Okay to Date a Patient?

By Shelly Reese
Medscape Ethics Report 2012
Originally published November 15, 2012


To the besotted poet, love is intoxicating, exasperating, invigorating. To the doctor -- if the would-be paramour is a patient -- it's also unethical.

But physician responses to Medscape's 2012 ethics survey clearly indicate that many physicians aren't willing to condemn every romance. When asked, "Is it ever acceptable to become involved a romantic or sexual relationship with a patient?" more than two thirds (68%) of the 24,000 doctors who responded resoundingly say "no."

In contrast, nearly one third are more nuanced in their view. Only a tiny minority (1%) give romance with current patients a green light, but a sizable share (22%) say that a romantic relationship with a former patient may be acceptable, as long as at least 6 months have passed since the professional relationship was terminated. Another 9% say the ethics depend on the situation.

Whereas the American Medical Association (AMA) clearly states that sexual contact that is concurrent with the doctor/patient relationship constitutes sexual misconduct, it takes a fuzzier position on relationships that might develop later. The AMA notes that the prior doctor/patient relationship may unduly influence the patient and that such a relationship is unethical if the doctor "uses or exploits trust, knowledge, emotions or influence derived from the previous professional relationship."

Ethicists, such as Dr. Richard Martinez, director of forensic psychiatry services at Denver Health Medical Center and the author of several articles on ethical decision-making and the patient/physician relationship, says the AMA was wise to leave a little wiggle room in its opinion.

"Relationships are complicated," he says. "Every ethical dilemma has to be evaluated and considered on a case-by-case basis."

The entire story is here.

Thanks to Gary Schoener for this information.